Work From Home Experiences Differ Across Generations
Younger generations are less productive at home — and overall, less satisfied with the work from home experience.

Younger workers are feeling less productive and less connected.

Despite their technological preparedness for mobile work, younger workers report a far more challenging experience working from home than their older peers. They are less likely to feel as if they’ve made a difference or completed the work they needed to do at the end of a typical workday, according to survey responses. Working from home may be having an alienating effect on younger workers too, as they may feel a gap between their work and their company’s mission.

Younger workers are having a harder time working from home.

Younger workers may be savvier about connecting with others virtually, but so far, working from home has burdened millennials and Gen Z more than older workers. On average, younger workers had less experience working from home prior to COVID-19. With inexperience working from home, they now report more distractions and a harder time maintaining a work/life balance.