Nationwide Children’s Hospital exterior
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Data Center + Conference + Medical Simulation Facility
Columbus, Ohio

Rethinking the Hybrid, Mixed-Use Healthcare Facility

A centrally-located campus hub integrates a leading-edge data center with staff-facing training facilities, creating new harmony between utility and community.
  • 87,000-Square-Foot Hybrid-Use Building
  • 4-Story, Vertically Integrated Learning Environment
  • 10,000 Square Feet of Medical Simulation Spaces
  • 300–600-Person Flexible Multi-Use Conferencing Center
  • Enterprise-Focused Data Center
A person walking in a large room.

Like many comprehensive pediatric hospitals across the United States, Nationwide Children’s Hospital lacked space to train its workforce and secure an ever-increasing amount of data — key elements to support evolution and growth. Co-locating training and conference facilities with discreetly housed data storage has become a key strategy to address these challenges, bringing diverse teams together in a centralized location, while balancing transparency, security, and real estate costs.


The design team devised a unique single structure that would address both of Nationwide Children Hospital’s challenges, leveraging cross-disciplinary research and innovative planning to create this first-of-its-kind, data-enabled learning hub at the nexus of the campus. A medical simulation lab and conference center anchor the building’s lower floors, connecting to a central campus plaza and inviting people inside. The data center, strategically situated on the upper floors, is securely concealed behind the unifying fritted facade that creates a cohesive presence to the entire building.


The reimagined building, positioned in proximity to Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s numerous research and healthcare facilities, transforms a would-be insular structure into a connected, multidisciplinary learning hub. The balance of porosity and privacy underscores the dynamism of design, simultaneously activating a central campus plaza downstairs while obscuring the data center above.

A building with glass windows.
A building with glass windows.
The facility represents a substantial addition to our main campus infrastructure and serves as an important center for both technology operations and educational development.
—Edward Hohmann, Senior Project Manager, Design & Construction, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
A blue and white tiled surface.
A large building with a large glass front.
A large room with people and a large screen.
A large room with glass walls and people walking around.
A large room with a large screen and chairs.
A person walking in a large room with tables and chairs.
A person standing in a room with chairs and tables.
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