Gensler London’s Commitment to a Sustainable Workplace

New to the U.K. market, the NABERS Tenancy Certification aims to help owners and tenants measure their buildings’ environmental performance and identify areas for improvement.

At Gensler, we pride ourselves in creating innovative and sustainable designs for our clients. Recently, we turned the spotlight on our own workspace at No. 6 Moretown, London, achieving a NABERS UK Tenancy Certification of 3.5 stars for our energy consumption.

NABERS, the National Australian Built Environment Rating System, is still new to the U.K. market and is driven by ambitious net-zero emissions targets. Designed to help building owners and occupiers measure and communicate their buildings’ environmental performance and identify areas for improvement, NABERS is a valuable tool for promoting transparency and accountability in sustainability practices, beyond the broader targets of existing certifications, like BREEAM or LEED. Further, whilst a typical EPC rating from A to G does provide information on a property's energy efficiency, this is design-based and only assesses how a building should perform in principle. NABERS, on the other hand, is performance-based and measures actual energy usage.

Our drive to pursue NABERS stemmed from a desire to understand and improve our environmental impact. Often, in architecture and design, the focus is on the initial creation, but we wanted to ensure our building performs well post-occupancy too. By assessing our own office, we aimed to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability to both clients and employees, and to identify and address inefficiencies in our energy consumption.

According to Construction News, approximately 30 new buildings have achieved a NABERS design review target rating in the U.K. so far, and in the year ahead we will start to see how these buildings will be rated based on their in-use performance. Since the NABERS expansion to tenancy ratings in April 2023 in the U.K., we are one of the first tenants to have gathered the full 12 months of energy consumption data and fully certified our office spaces.

Receiving a 3.5-star rating places our London office above average, which is a great achievement considering our building maintains its original 1980s façade and the assessment was conducted on a ‘second life’ building already in operation — rather than a new building designed for NABERS performance criteria.

“At Gensler, we are committed to driving change and leading the industry to carbon net zero. We encourage our peers to join us on this journey as we all endeavour to realise a more resilient future.”
—Athely Guedes, Co-Managing Director, Gensler London

Through this data collection process, Gensler London gained valuable insights into our energy use patterns. First, the process revealed that power usage is driving overall consumption, which is particularly high on the 5th floor. Lighting loads on the 3rd floor are also much higher than on other floors.

After measuring the London office’s baseline performance and identifying these high-use areas, we are examining the changes necessary to achieve a 4-star or higher rating — which is reachable by improving our performance by just 6%.

The Journey to Certification

Embarking on the NABERS certification process was a detailed and structured endeavour for Gensler’s EU sustainability team. Here are the steps that we took, and you can take to embark on the same journey:

  1. NABERS UK Assessor Licensing: We enrolled a team member to complete their assessor training and exam to equip them with the skills needed to assess buildings according to NABERS standards. You can find your own assessor online through NABERS.
  2. Project Registration: The assessor registered our office, No. 6 Moretown, formally entering it into the NABERS certification process.
  3. Data collection: This step involved a thorough evaluation of data related to energy consumption, metering, and occupation of our different office spaces.
  4. Submission for Audit and Certification: Finally, we submitted our findings to NABERS for an L1 audit and were awarded our NABERS certification.

Towards a More Sustainable Industry

Complementing our existing BREEAM (interim) and Fitwel certifications, this NABERS rating milestone is a testament to our proactive approach towards offering a more sustainable workplace for our employees. Alongside this goal, we continue to be committed to designing spaces for our clients that are as efficient and as sustainable as possible. Gaining insights into the process itself has equipped us with the experience to be able to help our clients navigate their own certification while it remains relatively new to the market.

“It has been a rewarding experience to be part of the NABERS certification process. Having leadership support meant that we were all able to lean in and collaborate on a new and fast evolving topic. I look forward to improving our performance and further supporting clients on their sustainability journey.”
—Estelle Schurer, Sustainability Analyst, Gensler London

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Athely Guedes
Athely is a Co-Managing Director in Gensler’s London office with a deep commitment to building and maintaining strong client relationships. Since joining Gensler in 2015, she focuses on helping global corporate occupiers to transform their workplace portfolios through design innovation and well-considered change programmes. Contact her at .
Estelle Schurer
Estelle works at the point where data meets sustainable design, with experience in whole life carbon analysis and a particular interest in timber construction. She has experience in modelling flows of carbon, materials, water, energy and waste at the building and masterplan scale. Estelle is based in London. Contact her at .