The Best of Store Design
Held to celebrate the winners of “the industry’s only totally peer-reviewed competition,” the annual awards gala gathers the retail industry’s top designers, retailers, editors and vendors to recognize the best in store design and execution from the last year. The following Gensler-designed projects won acclaim in a field of more than 200 competition entrants.

Holly Hunt Showroom, Dallas
First Place, Brand Spaces

Harman International Flagship, New York
Digital Integration Innovation Award and Award of Merit, Hard Lines Specialty Stores

Timbuk2, Chicago
Sustainability Innovation Award

Back 40 Mercantile, Old Greenwich, Conn.
Award of Merit, Hard Lines Specialty Stores

Hartmann International Flagship, New York
Award of Merit, Hard Lines Specialty Stores

El Palacio de Hierro, Querétaro, Mexico
Award of Merit, New or Completely Renovated Full-Line Department Store