Domain 10, 11, & 12 Office Buildings
Austin, Texas
Forming a miniature office campus within Austin’s Domain mixed-use development, Domain 10, 11, and 12 offer best-in-class commercial office space while continuing the expansion of the dynamic live/work/play environment. The buildings are bound together with the overarching concept of connectivity — not just by their proximity to one another, but also with their complementary look, feel, and specific siting. Creating their own district, they form a natural terminus to Rock Rose Ave, the main entertainment street at The Domain, for easy access to restaurants, bars, and shopping. Green roof terraces, balconies, and a paseo leading to a pond and walking trails provide connections to Austin’s outdoor lifestyle. A high-performance curtain wall with aluminum shade fins gives the buildings a truly contemporary, 21st-century presence while strategically reducing the impact of solar heat.