A group of people sitting outside.

Research Project Name

The Future of Gas Station Sites

What We Did

What happens to gas stations we no longer need? As decarbonization becomes an increasingly urgent priority and electric vehicles (EVs) rise in popularity, many of the 150,000 gas stations in the U.S. could become available for other uses. We have created an interactive graphical user interface built upon comprehensive datasets for custom mapping and analysis. This tool allows architects and clients to condense months of surveying work into minutes on a web browser. Our goal is to make these sites known for their possibilities by mapping them according to demographics and urban context. Furthermore, the application we have developed can expand to map other brownfields — or properties that are contaminated with hazardous substances, pollutants, petroleum, or other toxins. By identifying and facilitating these opportunities, designers and architects can help turn stranded assets of the future into vital anchors for local communities and economies.

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Rives Taylor, Mark McManus, Chidimma Abuka, Michael Levison, Brian Newman

Year Completed