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Research Project Name

The Impact of Decentralized Finance on Next-Generation Workplace Experience

What We Did

During the last two decades, there has been a profound transformation in the financial services industry with the development of financial technology (fintech) and the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi), which has driven changes in the industry’s overall workplace experience. DeFi replicates traditional financial functions and applications built on blockchain technologies, typically using smart contracts — digital contracts stored in blockchain that are automatically executed when a contract’s terms and conditions are met. The acceptance of DeFi increased due to its ability to eliminate intermediaries, such as banks, in the financial processes, and democratize the market. Since 2019, DeFi’s global market value grew from less than $1 billion to $20.22 billion in 2023, and is forecasted to grow 43.36% to reach $398.77 billion by 2031. This phenomenon is shifting the global marketplace with an explosion of new projects and decentralized applications. Even though we might still be in early days for the DeFi industry, its striking advances have impacted the financial services industry’s ways of working overall. As new business strategies are explored, new processes are introduced, and a newer way of working is shaped, these changes are demanding a workplace environment that can adapt to new needs and standards.

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Athina Metridou, Ramona Bansal, Chandkiran Nath, Elia Karachaliou, Amy McGarry, Christopher Crawford

Year Completed