How are large corporations in Europe responding to the rise of coworking culture?
Research Project Name
Flexible Workspace in the Post-Coworking Era: A European Perspective
What We Did
We identified key models and drivers that have been attracting large corporations to the growing European coworking culture. To complete this research, we conducted a qualitative and quantitative study across three countries — the United Kingdom, Germany, and France — with a focus on cities: London, Munich, and Paris. The first part of the study was funded by the British Council for Offices (BCO) and evaluated the UK corporate sector through user surveys, interviews, and literature reviews. The second part of the study built on this methodology through site visits and additional face-to-face interviews with large corporations and service providers in the UK and EU. We compiled this information to develop the flex-workspace model framework.
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Philip Tidd, Alice Dubot, Chandkiran Nath, Peter Schaefer
Year Completed
Comments or ideas for further questions we should investigate?