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Gensler Voices: Cristina Ziegler McCoig on Communities and Design

This Q&A is part of a series of interviews with Gensler architects, designers, and others in the firm about their career journey, and the impact that design and architecture can have on our communities and the human experience. Here, we sit down with Cristina Ziegler McCoig, a designerin our San Antonio office:

How can architecture and design make space that’s inclusive for everyone?

Architecture and design can foster inclusivity by embracing principles of universal design, ensuring spaces accommodate diverse needs. To make spaces inclusive for everyone, it's crucial to consider factors such as accessibility, flexibility, and sensory elements. Additionally, designing for neurodiversity involves creating environments that are sensitive to various cognitive abilities, reducing stimuli, and incorporating calming features. By prioritizing both physical and mental well-being in design, we can create spaces that cater to a broad spectrum of individuals, promoting a more inclusive and supportive built environment.

Did you have a mentor growing up or at any point during your career? If so, how did that relationship impact your growth as a person or in the industry at large?

In college, I had the privilege of having two remarkable mentors—my interior design professors. Initially uncertain about my own capabilities and passion for interior design, their guidance not only instilled confidence but also charted the course for my professional journey. Their constant encouragement to aim high has been a driving force. Even now, as they maintain close contact and facilitate valuable connections, I feel an obligation to consistently strive for excellence and make them proud.

Where do you get your design inspiration from?

I draw my design inspiration primarily from the contextual elements of the site - Emphasizing the interplay of culture, history, and brand identity. By weaving these contextual threads into the fabric of my designs, I hope to create spaces that not only aesthetically resonate but also tell a meaningful story and foster a strong sense of connection.

If you could impart any piece of advice to individuals beginning their design career, what would it be?

Be a sponge & ask all the questions! Another big thing for me was getting involved in whatever I could, build connections, and taking advantage of the resources that were available to me.

Why are local communities so important to Gensler’s work?

Gensler values local communities in its work by recognizing the symbiotic relationship between projects and their impact on surrounding areas. We prioritize understanding and engaging with the unique needs and identity of each community, ensuring designs contribute positively to social well-being. This commitment results in spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and culturally relevant.

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